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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Updates updates updates

Jake and I had a great time in OKC.
We spent quality time with the Nusbaums (Jake's sister and fam) playing lots of games and eating good food. I held, fed and got spit up on holding Olive. I am attaching a few pictures of our trip (someone complained that we don't post enough pictures!).

Jake and Emily playing the longest game of Jr. Monopoly...ever! Sasha is hanging out with Jake.

Robert and Soup!

Smores in the backyard.

        Enjoying the nice weather this week!

 Baby Olive!

Eating (and drinking!) with Ashley and James Bettes at Pop's in Arcadia, OK. Known for their HUGE selection of... soda pop! Jake was the bravest and tried a fudge brownie cookie dough flavored pop. It was.... interesting. 

So here are a few updates…
  1. House still isn't sold. We had a good showing on Sunday and a few people came back to see it a 2nd time. One couple said it was #1 on their list but still had a few more houses to see. So, hopefully something will come through the next couple of days. Please keep praying! It is a bit stressful for us not having the house sold yet. We are also about to pay the mortgage for the second month (after we thought it would sell the first time). We were planning on using that money toward our fundraising, so it sets us back a little bit. 
  2. As of today, we have raised $17,123 toward our one time goal of $40,000 and $750 toward monthly goal of $2,500. So you can see we have gotten a few more donations since our last update but we have a ways to go. PLEASE, if you have not already, donate on our website (for one time donations). If you really wanna step up your game, you an donate monthly. :o) I will be adding a Paypal button on our blog so that after our YouCaring website is finished, you can continue to donate online and it will still go straight to Twickenham Church of Christ.
  3. Jake is on Facebook! If you have't already, you should friend him.

God has truly blessed us with people in our lives who want to support us and keep up with our adventures in Ecuador. We feel so loved and humbled by your outpouring of encouragement and support. According to Blogger, we have viewers in Ecuador (of course), Russia and different parts of Europe! Thanks for checking in with us!

I created a postcard with a few pictures of us and the School of Hope. If you would like me to mail you one to put on your fridge (reminds you to pray for us!), shoot me an email at:

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