1.) The good 'ol US of A:
We had a great timing seeing all of your faces! Yes it was quick... but we figured that you'd probably get tired of our faces if we stayed too long. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?
We made a quick trip to Texas... stayed for two weeks and visited scenic places like Canyon and Lubbock. Got to see friends, family, and our home congregation. It was a beautiful time... filled with lots of Chik-fil-A. We also added on a trip up to OKC to visit family, long time friends, and a congregation that supports the work.
The queso at Fuzzy's is soooooo rico. I'm making myself hungry thinking about it... Mmmmmmmm.... queso.
West Texas welcomed us well with an impeding storm and a trip to the underground tornado shelter...
...and then said, "Just kidding about that tornado, heres a rainbow for ya!".
Jake got on the Chap at LCU.
But no really, we enjoyed spending time with our AL/TN friends. They treated us very well and loved on us immensely. While talking and giving updates at Whitehouse church of Christ, we had this little sweetheart draw this:
As an art teacher, I really appreciate the details... like Jake's goatee and my scarf... which if you know me, you know I LOVE my scarves!
We then spent our last week visiting my family and friends in Oregon. We haven't been back to the Pacific Northwest since we moved to Ecuador, so this was particularly nice.
Had to take one of these when we got to Portland... and if you don't know why, then you should read this article. You can also note... that the PDX Carpet Facebook page has +13K likes.
We also took a trip out to the colder (MUCH COLDER!) part of the Pacific Ocean.
And there were these jellies ALL up and down the shoreline.
It was GREAT to spend time with my sister and her family. Go Beavs!
We love going to the States, getting to see people, and eating fast food we don't have in Ecuador but it is always nice to come home and back to normal life.
Home sweet home
We got a dog... his name is Chiquito (tiny).
We've had several baptisms at church the past couple of months. Praise the Lord!
Day of the Kid!
Jake's sister and family came to visit us. We had a great time showing them around our new home.
Chris while on Mojanda.
We went to Mindo and toured the chocolate factory and saw butterflies.
Robert loved the butterflies!
And of course... zip lining!
We had some friends visit us also... Peyton Todd and Katy Thompson hung out with us for 5 days after the medical mission to Kumanii. We are excited for Katy to come join our team here at HOH as our nurse!
Katy doing what she does best!
Pey Pey standing on the middle of the world!
We then had a group from Decatur church of Christ working at the Hacienda, cleaning the kids' teeth and working at the school. They did an amazing job!
Look at that kid's face... Thats what I call keeping their interests!
The group planted 100 eucalyptus trees... in 10 years, we can hang up some hammocks!
S'mores and Devo
We did a little sight seeing... look at the pretty waterfall!
And because there isn't enough photos of our faces on this blog... heres another!
3.) BABY!
We are currently 71% funded for our In Virto procedure.
When we returned we went to the doctor and started the process. Little did we know the "process" wasn't a very long one! I (Tanya) have begun shots to stimulate egg production. It has been several weeks and we are actually nearing the end of the procedure. Wednesday we go in at 7:30am for the egg retrieval and will know Thursday when we will do the transfer. There is a possibility that in a few weeks we could have baby Wilson growing inside me! There is a (max) of 60% of this procedure taking, so please continue to pray for us... that everything goes during the retrieval and the implantation.
We love y'all very much!
One last selfie.
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