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Saturday, September 13, 2014

We have a guest writer....

The guest writer is Jake...
Here we go!

So it is that time of year again.... 

I have seen many of you talk about the new school year and the many changes with your children or schools.  We just went through our first two weeks of school here at the Hacienda of Hope Christian Academy.  We also have endured many changes this year with the school. 

Let's see...we changed uniforms, the class schedule, English curriculum, lunch schedules, and built new classrooms (thanks Venture- James Cochrum).  We have a new assistant principal, Bible/chapel coordinator, and 6 new classroom teachers...(breathe)...

 Of course, change can bring new emotions also: fear, excitement, panic, hope, etc.  We have experienced all of these with these changes from the ending of last year to the beginning of this year.   And after all the excitement, we still have 160 something students as we ended last year and we are a Christian school like we were last year.

  For once in my life, school and education is about more than just the education; it is about your relationship with God and the overall effect of the school.  I say for once in my life and that is not entirely true, I have always tried to reach out to students and families in my roles as a teacher and administrator, but now I am learning how to actually put my words into action...

BUT no matter how much you try to say, show, or do there will always be detractors on the other end.  In some cases, those people are the ones closest to you.  It is not always popular to make changes and at times doing right and loving as God would do is not always popular.  With the different detractors we have in our life, I have one thing now to say: 

Better Days Are Coming.... 

Do I believe this?  Of Course!  It is not about how many students we have, it is not about if our school is ranked number 1 for English or the best private school in our sector, it is not about our sports teams winning every game. IT IS about all of our teachers and students praying as a class to begin the day. IT IS about visiting our families around the community to pray and give food and items to them. IT IS about our teams competing with a Christ-like attitude...
Now will we miss a few minutes of class instruction to start the day by praying? Yes. Will we miss a day or two every month or two to visit families? Yes. Will we win every game we compete in? No. But we can have an effect on our community by the way we win and lose...

Better days are coming:  With our attitude and focus on a relationship with God. I would argue that our students' academics, attitude, and accomplishments will take care of themselves.  We are still a young school and are determined in being a Godly school.
Two Bible verses that we share at school come to mind with this journey:  Colossians 3:23-24 and Romans 12:1-8

Basically: we are here to serve the Lord, use our talents for the Lord, and our culture does not define who we are as people. 
We live in crazy cultures, but our service is for the Lord.  All aspects of our lives can be about God and the effects He has on our life.  Tanya and I have had many detractors and set-backs, but continuing to work for the Lord is the goal.  Serving the Lord gives us those days in heaven, those Better Days are Coming....

Like I mentioned, we have had many changes.  Below are some pictures of the newly constructed classrooms, new logo, and new uniforms.   We are excited to have enough space now for each teacher!   Thank you again for your support and prayers!  We appreciate and love all of you!

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