Since around here we don't have school sports teams, the month of January has been a school-wide sports month. Each grade level created a team name, slogan, and had a team jersey. On January 10th, we had opening day ceremony, the class "queen" presented their team, and we began playing sports, rotating between soccer and basketball.
The following are a couple pictures of church happenings. Below are the girls, Dayana, Kaiden and Maria, helping teach the 0-5 year olds during the sermon. And after that is our adult class doing an activity invloving helping each other.
The Ecuadorian Ministry of Education mandated that schools have two Saturday school classes to make up for missed days in December. So on Saturday January 31st, we held a Family Day at Camp Bellevue. Teachers, students, and parents participated in sports, games and an overall good time.
On Thursdays we do a small group with church members in our community. The kids in our group absolutely love singings hymns.
We got to celebrate the Super Bowl with other gringos. We had a great spread of "gringo" food, including chips and queso. Too bad the Seahawks didn't win, tho.
In February to end our semester we had a talent show and celebrated Carnival at school. In Ecuador, Carnival is celebrated by spraying shaving cream and water and each other. The kids (big and small) absolutely loved it!
The youth group put on a skit during the sermon at church.
During our teacher work week, the town of Tabacundo did a teacher sports day. For three days our teachers participated in soccer, basketball, and Ecua-volley. I think that by far, out of all the schools, our staff was the loudest and the one who seemed to be having the best time. These three days were good for lifting moral and a staff bonding.
So you see, these two months have been pretty full... and most of that has been sports and getting wet. But we have been having a good time, with our staff and kids. Thank you again to all our supporters and to all you who still keep up with our blogs. We have enjoyed the past two months, growing relationships with our kids, staff, and community.